ACTIVITIES - SAINT MARK'S AND HOLY ROSARY AND OTHER PARISHES AROUND THE AREA BLESSED MOTHER MARY – Saint Catherine of Siena Church in Duncansville with have the Rosary in honor of the Birthday of Mother Mary which will be held on Monday, September 9. Services will be at 12:05 pm and 5:30 pm. HOLY SPIRIT MINISTRY – ST. MICHAEL’S – Sr. Angela Marie Igou will be the guest speaker at the Tuesday, September 17th Night of Worship. The evening of prayer will begin at 7:00 pm at Saint Michael Church, Hollidaysburg. Paise and worship music will precede Sr. Angela Marie’s talk. Everyone is encouraged to come and learn and pray about vocations. NOCTURNAL ADORATION – The monthly Vigil of Prayer scheduled by the Nocturnal Adoration Society for Friday, September 6, 2024, will be held at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament from 8-11 pm. You are welcome to attend any time during those hours; however, Holy Rosary and Saint Mark’s will spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament from 9-10 pm. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICA’S – Court Prince Gallitzin #2625 serves all 11 parishes and beyond. New members are always welcome. On Monday, September 9, 2024, you are invited to join them for their monthly meeting in the St. Rose of Lima community room at 5:30 pm with the business meeting beginning at 6:00 pm. To view some of their activities, go to If you have any questions, please contact Donna Hoover at 814 632-3509. SAINT VINCENT DePAUL MEETING – Saint Mark’s Chapter will be meeting on Sunday, September 15, 2024, following the 8:30 am Mass at Saint Mark’s Church. MARTHA’S MAIDS will be cleaning Saint Mark’s Church on Monday, September 9 at 5:30 pm. Volunteers are welcome. Any questions or concerns, please call Robyn Murphy at 814 931-5683. MARK YOUR CALENDARS – On Sunday, October 6, 2024, at the 8:30 am Mass at Saint Mark’s, Father Nelson will be officially installed as Pastor of Saint Mark and Holy Rosary Parishes and you are invited to attend this joyous occasion. There will also be a light reception at 1:00 pm in Saint Mark’s Basement. The RSVP will be needed by September 22, 2024. The blue book will be available next weekend at the back of our churches for you to sign up. A WOMAN’S DAY OF REFLECTION – St. Benedict Parish, Johnstown, will be hosting Winning Author and Speaker, Liz Kelly, for a day of reflection from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on September 28, 2024. The day will include Mass, Adoration, opportunities for confession and fellowship and the opportunity to strengthen the tether between your heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The event is free (a love offering will be taken). A lunch and refreshments will be served so an RSVP is required. For more information contact Deacon Michael Russo at 814 288-3036 or e-mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPLIES FOR BLAIR COUNTY STUDENTS – Thanks to all who donated school supplies. Catholic Charities will take care of distribution. St. Mark's and Holy Rosary donated 8 boxes filled with supplies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSCOV’S FRIENDS HELPING FRIENDS - One day shopping passes are available – Sally Young has them. If you would like to buy or sell the passes, contact Sally at 814 502-9059. Passes cost $5 each and give you 25% off the lowest sale prices in-store and online. The Friends Helping Friends day is Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Passes will also be available at St. Mark’s Rectory during office hours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== SAINT MARY ADORATION CHAPEL at 712 Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, PA has five time slots available: Tuesday – 9 pm – 10 pm; Tuesday – 11 pm – 12 midnight; Thursday 4 pm – 5 pm; Friday – 8 am – 9 am; Friday – 10 am – 11 am . You are invited to come pray to the Blessed Sacrament. Please call or text Katie at 814 502-8436. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACEBOOK – - “Like us” on Facebook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAINED GLASS WINDOWS AT SAINT MARK’S Week #4, Window #4 (4th from the front on left): Saint Mark and Saint Barnabas were relatives, possibly cousins, who made several missionary journeys together. Barnabas was an early prominent Christian disciple in Jerusalem, first mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as one who sold some land he owned and gave the proceeds to the Apostles. He introduced St. Paul to the Apostles, accompanied Paul on some of his missionary journeys, and is also mentioned in some of Paul’s Epistles. According to tradition, Barnabas was martyred by being tortured and stoned to death around 61 A.D. This window depicts Mark and Barnabas departing on a missionary journey to Cyprus where they preached all over the island, using the Gospel of St. Matthew, the first Gospel written. St. Mark is shown traveling lightly, carrying only a purple traveling bag and a walking stick or staff, shown again at the bottom in the middle windowpane. The fire in the lower left windowpane might serve as a reminder that these missionaries are led by the Holy Spirit (often symbolized by fire) as they go forth to spread the fire of God’s love by preaching the “good news” of Jesus Christ. The symbol of the lion is frequently used to represent St. Mark the Evangelist, probably because St. Mark begins his Gospel with scenes of St. John the Baptist and Jesus in the wilderness. It is interesting to note that, at the time the Gospels were written, lions still inhabited caves within Palestine. Often the lion symbolizing St. Mark is a winged lion as in this image, wings being a symbol of divine mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Week #5, Window #5 (5th from the front on left): In this window Saint Paul is shown under house arrest in chains, in Rome with a soldier guarding him. This event occurred during St. Paul’s second Roman captivity shortly before his martyrdom in 63 A.D. Sacred Scripture relates to St. Mark was with St. Paul to help and comfort him. (1 Colossians 4: 10-11) St. Paul near the end of his Epistle to the Ephesians, describes himself as an “ambassador in chains” as he boldly makes known the mystery of the Gospel. The bottom left window pane depicts a griffin, a mythological creature which possesses the parts of great predator animals, such as a lion and an eagle. For this reason, it is a perfect symbol of Satan, the great predator of the Christian. The middle pane illustrates the Bible with the Latin words “Spiritus Gladius”, translated “Sword of the Spirit”, imposed on a double-edged sword. This symbol is reference to St. Paul’s admonition in his Epistle to the Ephesians, written during his imprisonment. He tells them and us to “put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil… In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of the God” (Ephesians 6” 10-17) The bottom right pane shows the shield of faith mentioned above; the three circles on the shield possibly represent the Holy Trinity, the central mystery of our faith. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out our Facebook page and see the new addition put there describing the stained-glass windows in Saint Mark’s Church. Week #6, Window #6 (1st window on the right-hand side of the church): This window presents St. Mark with parchment and a feather pen in hand, writing his Gospel as St. Peter dictates to him. Christ, crowned in glory, with the wounds of his hands and feet, appears above them, holding the world in His hands, with angels at his side. (Note the winged lion on the side of St. Mark’s writing desk signifying his divine mission in writing the Gospel, as well as the scroll proclaiming “Pax Tibi” or “Peace to Y ou”.) The Gospel of St. Mark (the second Gospel) written in Rome before 60 A.D. is a record of the life of Jesus through the eyes of St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles (shown again with the keys to the kingdom hanging from his waist). For this reason, St. Peter plays a prominent role in St. Mark’s Gospel whose purpose is to prove to the Romans (and us) that Jesus is the Savior and that He is divine. Thus, a high point in Mark’s Gospel occurs when the Roman centurion proclaims, following the death of Jesus, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” FACEBOOK – - “Like us” on Facebook Check out our Facebook page and see the new addition put there describing the stained-glass windows in Saint Mark’s Church. Week #9, Window #9 (4th window on the right-hand side of the church): In this window, Saint Mark is shown reminiscing about the events in the life of Christ as seen through the eyes of Saint Peter. In the upper left, the table at which Jesus ate His Last Supper with the Apostles is pictured. On the table is the chalice reminding us of the Blood of Christ which was poured out at Calvary. The arrest of Jesus is illustrated beside the table. On the right is depicted one of the miracles of Jesus, probably the cure of the blind man near Bethsaida which is described only in Mark’s Gospel. To the right of Saint Mark is shown the fig tree with leaves, but no fruit, an allusion to the story where Jesus cursed the fig tree, causing it to wither. To his left is seen the Gospel of Mark in the paws of the winged lion, mentioned previously as the symbol of the evangelist Mark. This points to the fact that, in his Gospel, Mark dwells most fully on the Resurrection of Christ and proclaims with great emphasis the royal dignity of Christ. (Recall that lions are known as “the king of beasts” and wings are a symbol of divine mission). Because it was once believed that young lions were born dead but came to life three days later when breathed upon by the father, the lion has become associated with the Resurrection and is thus a symbol for Christ, the Lord of life! On the bottom left, the empty tomb is surrounded by a sunburst symbolizing that Christ, who died on the cross has risen from the dead. In the middle pane, behind the cross, the books of the four Gospels, which tell the story of Christ, are presented. To the right, the open book of the Gospel of Mark, originally written in Greek, is shown accompanied by a quill pen and inkhorn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out our Facebook page and see the new addition put there describing the stained-glass windows in Saint Mark’s Church. Week #10, Window #10 (5th window on the right-hand side of the church): This window shows St. Mark, the Patron Saint of Venice, Italy, seated on his throne with one hand raised in blessing and the other hand holding his Gospel opened to the Latin greeting “Pax Tibi”, translated “Peace to you”, which is a common greeting used by Jesus with His disciples. To his right stands a pedestal holding a small replica of the winged lion which also happens to be the emblem of Venice. To the top left of St. Mark is a copy of the coat of arms of Pope John XXIII, who reigned from 1958-1963, around the time these windows were installed, and the church was remodeled according to the reforms of Vatican II. (Prior to being elected Pope, he was the Cardinal Patriarch of Venice.) The components which make up this coat of arms from top to bottom are as follows: The Papal tiara (triple crown) represents the Pope’s three functions as supreme pastor, teacher and priest; the keys, a part of every Pope’s coat of arms, represent the Pope’s dual authority of binding and loosing; the winged lion holding St. Mark’s Gospel opened to the words “Pax Tibi, Marce, Evangelista Meus”; the Fleur De Lys can refer to Mary and also the Trinity because of its three parts forming one figure; the Tower of St. John is located in the Vatican Gardens, a place of quiet meditation and reflection for the Popes. Pope John XXIII chose this tower to be his hermitage; his coat of arms adorns the main door. Below this seal, a gondola floats in one of the canals of Venice. The bottom left pane pictures a ship symbolizing Mark’s missionary journeys or the Church. The banner in the middle pane contains the Latin greeting mentioned above “Pax Tibi, Marce, evangelist meus”, translated as “Peace to you Mark my Evangelist”. This greeting has its origin in the legend that, on the night before his martyrdom, while St. Mark was in prison, an angel appeared to him, strengthening him with the assurance that “Your name has been written in the book of life”. After the angel departed, as Mark thanked God for sending the angel, Jesus himself appeared to him with the greeting, “Peace be to you, Mark, my disciple and evangelist”. St. Mark started to shout, “Oh my Lord Jesus”, but the vision disappeared. On the right pane is pictured a golden reliquary containing, it is said, a fragment of the original Gospel in the handwriting of St. Mark. Around 815 A.D. Venetian merchants trading to Alexandria, Egypt, carried off (stole) the relics of St. Mark which they deposited in the city of Venice where the stately Basilica Church of St. Mark was built over them. Since then Saint Mark has been honored as the patron saint of Venice. COME VISIT SAINT MARK'S AND SEE THE WINDOWS AND JOIN US FOR MASS. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU COME TO PRAY AND SING WITH US. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY, WATCH OVER US. SAINT MARK, PRAY FOR US. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COOKBOOKS MAKE A NICE GIFT COOKBOOKS – Just a reminder that Saint Mark’s125th Anniversary Cookbooks are for sale at a reduced price of $5 each – they are available at the Rectory. They make a nice wedding, shower, or a “just because” gift. An observation from a parishioner: "I had some extra time just sitting around and I decided to look through this cookbook again. I was so impressed with the number of recipes and started to think that I should be making some of those things. The cookbook is outstanding and thanks to everyone who had anything to do with its publication. I understand there are still some copies left and I would suggest that you stop at the Rectory and buy a few." The cookbook has 381 recipes which includes a few celebrity recipes by Lauren Kudlawiec who was the 2nd place winner cooking contestant on the Rachel Ray Show; Mary Balkavich who had a recipe published in Country Woman Magazine, and Keith Auker, the head chef at UPMC, Altoona. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARISE – One of Saint Mark’s Arise Groups recently made some “blessing bags” that were distributed to those in the City of Altoona who were in need. On the bag were the words “A Big Hug from Saint Mark’s.” The bags which included many items of need and use were given to the Altoona Police Department to distribute. The story of this group has been featured on Proclaim! TV by the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese “Faith Forward” which is an E-News Series which highlights individuals or groups who are putting their Catholic faith into action by sharing their time and talent to help others. God Bless You and Thank You to this special group of women. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLY ROSARY – Did you remember to bring a non-perishable food item for the St. Vincent Food Bank? There is a basket in the Vestibule at Holy Rosary inside the front door for donations. Thank you, donors! GARVEY MANOR AND OUR LADY OF THE ALLEGHENIES RESIDENCE are currently recruiting volunteers for a variety of positions. Even an hour or two a week or month for an individual's time can make a difference. Please contact KATHY LaVALLE, volunteer coordinator at 695-5571. HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS Campus Locations: HTCS Altoona (Saint Therese’s Site- 814 381-7011) - 424 Wopsononock Avenue HTCS Hollidaysburg (St. Michael’s Site – 814 695-6112) – 321 Spruce Street; and HTCS Middle School – (St. Rose Site- 814 942-7835) 5519 6th Avenue, Altoona. For those of you who are interested in learning more about Holy Trinity Catholic School or are thinking of enrolling your children, we encourage you to call and schedule a tour at one of our two elementary buildings or the middle school campus. We cannot think of a better way for you to learn about the school then to come and see for yourself the awesome power of our Catholic School Family. Telephone numbers are listed in the above paragraph. HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS – Bingo on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Saint Rose of Lima basement. Doors open at 5 pm, games start at 7 pm, admission package is $35 which includes 18 cards for 24 regular games and 5 special cards. Any questions can be directed to Anita Zeth or Jan Crossman: 814 942-7835 |