CLASSES RESUMED THIS PAST SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2025. For all students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades in Religious Education and Bishop Guilfoyle Academy, Junior High Youth Day will be held Sunday, March 16, 2025, at Bishop Carroll High School, Ebensburg. More information to follow. The theme for this year is HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS.
SAINT MARK’S CHILDREN ENVELOPES – Envelopes were given out to the children. It would be good habit for them to get into supporting their church by putting an envelope in the collection basket every week. It doesn’t have to be much, just something.
The time for the Religious Education Classes will be 9:15 am until 10:40 am. These are our teachers. Director of Religious Education – Suzanne Barry 1st Grade – Cindy Petucci 2nd Grade – Cathy Vorndran 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades – Nick Leberfinger 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades – Dan Phillips 9th, 10th, and 11th Grades – Cathy Tellish Substitute Teachers: Gary Caldwell Theresa Picciotto Linda Skelley
TEACHER’S PRAYER Lord, I know I have a responsibility to teach children about You. Please help me every step of the way. I pray that I can answer all questions posed to me by the students and I ask you to guide me to instill in the young people a love of God, respect for themselves and others, and a continuing exercise of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, thus changing from bad to good all their thoughts and deeds. Amen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STUDENT’S PRAYER Lord, I know I have a lot to learn about you and about how to live my life. I come to you with my concerns. When I feel lonely because no one seems to care; when I get angry because life seems so unfair; when I feel closed in by pressures to succeed, accomplish, and excel; when I get confused about what is right and when I am afraid, take my hand and walk with me. Amen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONGRATULATIONS TO SAINT MARK’S & HOLY ROSARY 2024 GRADUATING SENIORS Your Parish Family wishes you “Good Luck and God’s Blessings” in all your future endeavors. “May you always feel God’s presence in your life.” Congratulations to Alyssa Franks, Aleah Layton, Jaidyn Palladini, Caleb Sanders, Connor Sanders.